호주에서 직업별 연봉 높은 순서대로 발표함

참고로 1 호주달러가 한화 800원임.

최고연봉 오십칠만 호주달러는 4.5억원쯤 된다


1. Neurosurgeon $577,674 

신경외과 수술전문의가 원탑 한해 수입 4.5억원

2. Ophthalmologist $552,947 안과전문의
3. Cardiologist $453,253 심장전문의
4. Plastic and reconstructive surgeon $448,530 성형
5. Gynaecologist; obstetrician $446,507 산부인과
6. Otorhinolaryngologist $445,939 이비인후과 전문의
7. Orthopedic surgeon $439,629 정형외과
8. Urologist $433,792 비뇨기과
9. Vascular surgeon $417,524 혈관
10. Gastroenterologist $415,192 위장쪽
11. Diagnostic and interventional radiologist $386,003
12. Dermatologist $383,880 피부과

의사들이 휩쓸고 판사등장

13. Judge — law $381,323

다시 의사등장

14. Anaesthetist $370,492 마취
15. Cardiothoracic surgeon $358,043 심장수술 전문의
16. Surgeon — general $357,996
17. Specialist physicians — other $344,860
18. Radiation oncologist $336,994
19. Medical oncologist $322,178

뜬금포로 금융쪽 등장

20. Securities and finance dealer $320,452

다시 의사등장

21. Thoracic medicine specialist $315,444
22. Specialist physician — general medicine $315,114
23. Intensive care specialist $308,033
24. Renal medicine specialist $298,681
25. Neurologist $298,543
26. Financial investment manager $288,790
27. Investment broker $286,530
28. Paediatric surgeon $282,508
29. Clinical haematologist $271,738

금융쪽 등장

30. Futures trader $264,830

다시 의사

31. Endocrinologist $258,972

크리켓 대표선수들 등장

32. Australian cricketer $257,527

다시 의사

33. Rheumatologist $256,933


34. Dental specialist $253,442

이제부터 여러직업군 등장

35. Magistrate $246,737
36. Equities analyst; investment dealer $245,826
37. Paediatrician $239,405
38. Stock exchange dealer; stockbroker $238,192
39. Psychiatrist $234,557
40. Emergency medicine specialist $232,595
41. Member of Parliament $232,093
42. Pathologist $224,378
43. Company secretary — corporate governance $218,432
44. State governor $212,652
45. Actuary $196,144
46. Sports physician $187,468
47. Petroleum engineer $185,808
48. (joint with 49) Chief executive officer $181,849
49. Executive director; managing director; public servant — secretary or deputy secretary $181,849
50. Mining production manager $179,439


여자는 애낳고 이러느라 수술 전문의 수련기간 중도에 그만둠
그리고 전문의가 되어도 남자처럼 오랜시간 수술을 못하고
일하는 시간도 적어서 판사가 1위

1. Judge — law $355,844

의사들 등장

2. Neurosurgeon $323,682
3. Plastic and reconstructive surgeon $281,608

금융쪽 잠깐 나오고

4. Futures trader $281,600

다시 의사등장

5. Vascular surgeon $271,529
6. Gynaecologist; obstetrician $264,628
7. Gastroenterologist $260,925
8. Magistrate $260,161
9. Anaesthetist $243,582
10. Ophthalmologist $217,242
11. Cardiologist $215,920
12. Urologist $213,094
13. Surgeon — general $210,796
14. Medical oncologist $208,612
15. Specialist physicians — other $207,599
16. Specialist physician — general medicine $207,225
17. Otorhinolaryngologist $200,136
18. Dermatologist $195,030
19. Diagnostic and interventional radiologist $180,695
20. Cardiothoracic surgeon $175,500
21. Paediatric surgeon $175,314
22. Endocrinologist $174,542
23. Member of Parliament $173,331
24. Rheumatologist $169,409
25. Intensive care specialist $169,369
26. Emergency medicine specialist $165,786
27. Orthopedic surgeon $159,479
28. Neurologist $155,217
29. Renal medicine specialist $155,133
30. Psychiatrist $152,437
31. Clinical haematologist $147,970
32. Paediatrician $147,347
33. Securities and finance dealer $145,208
34. Dental specialist $140,505
35. Actuary $136,819
36. Radiation oncologist $135,678
37. Financial investment manager $134,481
38. Petroleum engineer $133,315
39. Mining production manager $133,061
40. General medical practitioner $129,834
41. Thoracic medicine specialist $127,645
42. Stockbroker $124,433
43. Paving plant operator $123,281
44. Mining engineer $119,564
45. Tribunal member $119,219
46. Occupational medicine specialist; public health physician; sports physician $118,310
47. Geophysicist $117,575
48. Chief executive officer; executive director; managing director; public servant — secretary or deputy secretary $116,855
49. Engineering manager $116,732
50. Metallurgist $110,359

Read more: http://www.afr.com/leadership/careers/australias-top-50-highest-paying-jobs-20161204-gt3uzx#ixzz4u3TG0TCx 

3줄 요약

1. 호주는 국가에서 의료보험제도를 통해 무료로 치료해주지만 대기기간이 너무 길어 돈을 내고 치료를 받는 사립병원들도 있다.

2. 수입 있는 사람들은 그쪽으로 가서 돈내고 빨리 치료받음. 그래서 가난한 사람에게 비교적 무료의상복지가 수혜가 되고 의사들은 경력이 쌓이면 전문의 따고 사립병원에서 일할수 있음.

3. 그래서 경력있고 실력있는 의사들은 일한만큼 정직하게 돈을 많이 벌수있음.


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