Console commands


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This article may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version of the game. It was last updated for 1.9.

If you want to contribute to this page, which is a work in progress, in the console type "help" to see the list of commands, then to see a description and parameter of a command, type "help [command-name]", and put the corresponding details into the list.

This page deals with commands used in the console. For the modding term, see commands.

This page lists the codes which may be input into the Console Window, a special debugging window which may be accessed on non-ironman games by pressing Shift+2, ALT+2+1, Shift+3,§~^°², or ` (key varies based on keyboard layout). For a QWERTY keyboard, the key is `. Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Many codes can be turned off by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary.

List of Commands[edit]

Text within <> means you need to do the action for the command to work properly. For example, <Select Planet> means a planet needs to be selected in-game before you execute the console command.

If you need to know something's ID, you can see it in its tooltip by using the command tweakergui debugtooltip(pre 1.1) or debugtooltip(1.1).Species IDs can be located in the species info tab.

3dstatsToggles 3D Stats (FPS and render time)None3dstats
achievement_statusPrint achievement statusNoneachievement_status
activate_ascension_perkActivates an ascension perk, pressing tab reveals the names<name>activate_ascension_perk ap_mind_over_matter
activate_traditionActivates an tradition perk, pressing tab reveals the names<name>activate_tradition tr_prosperity_sct
add_anomalyAdds an anomaly category for a planet[anomaly category name]<Select Planet> add_anomaly life_asteroid_category
add_ethic_popAdd ethic to a pop[Pop ID] [Ethic Key]add_ethic_pop purged ethic_fanatic_authoritarian
add_opinionIncreases the sources opinion of target[source] [target] [amount]add_opinion 01 00 500
add_popsPopulates the ENTIRE selected or specified planet with pops of the specified species; entering it empty reveals the IDs[species] [planet]add_pops 1
add_shipCreates a new fleet with one ship of named design[design name]add_ship Avatar
add_trait_leaderAdd trait to leader[leader id] [trait key or index]add_trait_leader 1 leader_trait_gale_speed
add_trait_speciesAdd trait to species[species id] [trait key]add_trait_species 5 intelligent
advanced_galaxySimulates a game in year 2350 (every empire gains colonies, technologies and fleets)noneadvanced_galaxy
aiToggles the AI on or offNoneai
alerts.showallREMOVED COMMANDNone
alienfxAttempt to change computer lights with Alien FXNonealienfx
ambient_objectSpawns an ambient object of the specified type.[type]ambient_object medium_debris_02_object
applicationutils.updateREMOVED COMMANDNone
attackallfleetsMakes all player fleets target all other fleetsNoneattackallfleets
audio.compressorREMOVED COMMANDNone
audio.debugREMOVED COMMANDNone
audio.playeffectPlay the sound effect with the given nameNoneTODO
audio.setactivegroupSets the active audio groupNoneTODO
berserk_aiAI aggression skyrocketsNoneberserk_ai
blend_post_effectBlends to a new post effect setting[nSetting] [vTime] [nMode]TODO
bombardeffecttestREMOVED COMMANDNone
bordersCalculates map bordersNoneborders
borders.tooltipREMOVED COMMANDNone
borders.updatewheneverpossibleREMOVED COMMANDNone
borders.usemeshREMOVED COMMANDNone
camera.searchforcombatREMOVED COMMANDNone
cashAdd [amount] of energy credits. Defaults to 5000.[amount]cash 500
check_saveCheck save and load persistenceNonecheck_save
clear_debug_linesClears any persistent debug linesNoneclear_debug_lines
clear_debug_stringsClears any persistent debug stringsNoneclear_debug_strings
collisionShows collision boxes and circlesNonecollision
colonizeStarts colonization process of the selected planet using a copy of the pop with the ID given.[colonizer pop id]colonize 1
combat.allowcollisionstrafeREMOVED COMMANDNone
combat.collisionREMOVED COMMANDNone
communicationsEnable/disable communication with the target empire, leave with no arguments for all[target country id]communications 1
console_historyREMOVED COMMAND[None
contactEnables contact with all empiresNonecontact
controlUsed to occupy planets. If there is no war with the owner of [planet id] control will be reverted instantly.[planet id]control 50
copy_popCopies a pop to the selected planet using the id of a single pop.[pop id]copy_pop 1247
crashCrash the gameNonecrash
create_navyCreates a fleet using your most recent designs. 0.5 means 100% of naval capacity.[amount]create_navy 0.5
create_megastructureCreates a specific megastructure, pressing tab reveals the IDs[megastructure id]create_megastructure think_tank_1
createstratdataREMOVED COMMANDNone
damageSelected ship takes x damage<Select Ship>damage 50
debug_nomenAll AI-controlled nations never agree with your deals and proposals.Nonedebug_nomen
debug_yesmenAll AI-controlled nations always agree with your deals and proposals.Nonedebug_yesmen
debuglinesToggles debug lines on/offNonedebuglines
debugtextureDebug drawer for textures[texture name] [transparency] [alpha channel]debugtexture name 0,5 alpha
debugtooltipReveals debug info in tooltips such as pop ID for pops, and planet ID for planets.Nonetweakergui debugtooltip(pre 1.1) or debugtooltip(1.1)
deltatScales Delta Time with given value[delta_t] [scale value]TODO
democratic_electionStart a democratic ruler electionNoneTODO
depositsShows stats for depositsNonedeposits
draw.asteroidsUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of asteroid belts.Nonetweakergui draw.asteroids
draw.backgroundUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of the background space texture.Nonetweakergui draw.background
draw.bordersUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of border colors and empire icons.Nonetweakergui draw.borders
draw.centerUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of the galaxy center glow.Nonetweakergui
draw.clustersUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of white circles in the galaxy map. Empires seems to be distributed evenly across clusters.Nonetweakergui draw.clusters
draw.combatdebuglinesUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of lines during combat showing which target a ship is focusing on. A line also shows where the ship was located before combat.Nonetweakergui draw.combatdebuglines
draw.dustUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of the galaxy dust.Nonetweakergui draw.dust
draw.greenscreenUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering a green screen behind the background. Turning of the background (draw.background) will give you a totally greenscreened game that you can use for video purposes. You should also use line draw.navigationarrows and draw.systemlines.Nonetweakergui draw.greenscreen
draw.hyperlanesUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of hyperlanes.Nonetweakergui draw.hyperlanes
draw.namesUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of empire and nebula names on the galaxy map.Nonetweakergui draw.names
draw.navigationarrowsUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of the arrows and names towards neighbors of a system. (Crashed the game during first test, but might have been coincidence)Nonetweakergui draw.navigationarrows
draw.nebulaUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of nebulas on the galaxy map.Nonetweakergui draw.nebula
draw.neighborsUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of cyan and yellow lines in the starmap. Cyan lines are drawn from a system to its neighbouring systems. Yellow lines divides the map into cells with each cell beloning to a single system.Nonetweakergui draw.neighbors
draw.objectsUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of stars, ships, stations, planets and arrows towards neighboring systems.Nonetweakergui draw.objects
draw.pathtosystemUsed with tweakergui. Displays a slider with default value -1. When a ship is selected a path will be rendered from the ship's system towards the system corresponding to the ID in the slider. An ETA is displayed for every jump made. ETA says "X Days", but seems to be 10x the amount of ingame days needed. (Possibly game ticks)Nonetweakergui draw.pathtosystem
draw.sensorUsed with tweakergui. Toggles the green dashed circle (i.e. sensor range) around ships and owned systems.Nonetweakergui draw.sensor
draw.shipintersectionUsed with tweakergui. ?Nonetweakergui draw.shipintersection
draw.starsUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of stars and black holes on the galaxy map.Nonetweakergui draw.stars
draw.systeminitUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of the systems initialization template. I.e. a system starts with hostiles, made to suit as colony for nearby empire etc.Nonetweakergui draw.systeminit
draw.systemlinesUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of systems planetary orbits, warp bounds and outer bounds.Nonetweakergui draw.systemlines
draw.tigridUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of yellow grid in galaxy map. Use unknown.Nonetweakergui draw.tigrid
draw.trailsUsed with tweakergui. Toggles rendering of ships engine trails.Nonetweakergui draw.trails
draw.weaponlocatorsUsed with tweakergui. Draws weapon locators.Nonetweakergui draw.weaponlocators
effectExecutes an effect script.Noneeffect crystal_hit_effect
electionStarts a ruler election.Noneelection
enable.aiUsed with tweakergui. Enables AI.Nonetweakergui
enable.assertsUsed with tweakergui. Enables asserts.Nonetweakergui enable.asserts
enable.framesmoothingUsed with tweakergui. Enables frame smoothing.Nonetweakergui enable.framesmoothing
endscreenUsed with tweakergui. Displays the endscreen.Nonetweakergui endscreen
engineeringAdd engineering tech points. Defaults to 5000.[amount]engineering 500
entity.namesUsed with tweakergui. Displays entity names.Nonetweakergui entity.names
entity.recursiveboundingvolumesUsed with tweakergui. Displays recursive bounding volumes.Nonetweakergui entity.recursiveboundingvolumes
errorShow errors in logNoneerror
eventExecutes an event[event id] [target id]event story.5
eventscopesPrints the scope trees of current eventsNone<Event open> eventscopes
eventstatsShow event statistics.Noneeventstats
factions.showallfactionsPrints all factions and information on them.Nonefactions.showallfactions
factions.showattractionPrints attraction levels for every faction.Nonefactions.showattraction
factions.spawnallSpawns all possible factions.Nonefactions.spawnall
fast_forwardFast forward a set amount of days[amount of days] [observer]fast_forward 100
filewatcherToggles filewatcherNonefilewatcher
finish_researchFinishes all active research.Nonefinish_research
finish_special_projectsFinishes all special projectsNonefinish_special_projects
foodAdd food. Defaults to 5000.[amount]food 500
force_integrateforces [target_id] to integrate into player's empire.force_integrate [target_id]force_integrate 5
free_governmentToggles allowing player to change governments without the time limitNonefree_government
free_policiesToggles allowing player to change policies without restriction, including policies previously disabled.Nonefree_policies
ftlEnable/Disable unlimited FTLNoneftl
fullscreenToggles fullscreenNonefullscreen
game_overExecutes the specified type of Game Over[victory type index]game_over 0
gfxcultureSets graphical culture for player country[culture key]gfxculture mammalian_01
gotoMoves camera to position[x] [y]goto 10 10
grow_popsAdds a growing pop to target planet. Adding a number after the command speed up the growing pop. 10 = 1 unitNone<Select Planet> grow_pops 100
gui.wireframeUsed with tweakergui. Displays the wireframe of the GUI.Nonetweakergui gui.wireframe
guiboundsDisplays the bounds of GUI elementsNoneguibounds `
hdrToggles HDRNonehdr
helpPrints the help documentation for a command.[command name]help human_ai
helphelpNo help for you!Nonehelphelp
hsvConverts RGB to HSVNonehsv 25 25 25
human_aiToggles AI for Human countriesNonehuman_ai
influenceAdd [amount]. Defaults to 5000.[amount]influence 500
infoToggles Debug info.Noneinfo
instant_buildWill instantly finish building of tile buildings, upgrades, ships, stations. WARNING: This also applies to enemy AI.Toggle on and off.instant_build
instant_colonyUsed with tweakergui. Colony ships will no longer take time to settle.Toggle on and off.tweakergui instant_colony
instant_moveUsed with tweakergui. Ships will teleport instantly to right click cursor. FTL has no spool up or travel time.Toggle on and off.tweakergui instant_move
intelSets intel level on discovered space. Toggles between low and high.[bool]intel 1
invinciblePlayer ships will not take damage.Noneinvincible
kill_countryKills current country.Nonekill_country
kill_leaderKills specified leader.[leader id]kill_leader ?
kill_popKills current population[pop id]kill_pop 745
kill_rulerKills current ruler.NoneKills current ruler.
lockcameraLock's the camera to the current position.[debug_lockcamera, lockcamera]lockcamera
map_namesRegenerates map names.Nonemap_names
mature_galaxySimulates a 100 years old galaxy.Nonemature_galaxy
maxfpsUsed with tweakergui. Limits the maximum FPS. Defaults to no limit (0).Nonetweakergui maxfps
memtestUsed to test for memory leakage with certain functions.[iterations]memtest 1
mesh.miplevelsUsed with tweakergui. ?Nonetweakergui mesh.miplevels
mesh.namesUsed with tweakergui.Displays the names of the .mesh file used for each model.tweakergui mesh.names
mesh.texturenamesUsed with tweakergui. Displays the folder/filename of textures used for each model.Nonetweakergui mesh.texturenames
mesh.wireframeUsed with tweakergui. Toggles the wireframe for models.Nonetweakergui mesh.wireframe
messageShows every message type on the top bar.Nonemessage
mineralsAdd minerals. Defaults to 5000.[amount]minerals 500
missilegfx.extratimepertickUsed with tweakergui. ?Nonetweakergui missilegfx.extratimepertick
missilegfx.slowdownradiusUsed with tweakergui. ?Nonetweakergui missilegfx.slowdownradius
music.fadeUsed with tweakergui. ?Nonetweakergui music.fade
music.nextUsed with tweakergui. ?Nonetweakergui
no_resourcesUsed with tweakergui. ?Nonetweakergui no_resources
noguiToggles GUI on/offNonenogui
nomouseToggles mouse scrollwheel on\offNonenomouse
nomenToggles nomen on/offNonenomen
normalsUsed with tweakergui. Displays normalisation points on each mode.Nonetweakergui normals
observeSwitches to observer modeNoneobserve
overnightSets the game up for an overnight session[ticks per turn]overnight 2
ownTake ownership and control of the specified planet[planet id] [paint]own 5
particleToggles particle debug info.Noneparticle crystal_hit_effect
particle_editorSpawns a particle editor.Noneparticle_editor
pathFinds path between stars.[from index] [to index]path 0 1
pathfindcacheUsed with tweakergui. ?Nonetweakergui pathfindcache
peace_on_playerTargeted country offers peace on player.[country id]peace_on_player 05
physicsAdd physics tech points. Defaults to 5000.[amount]physics 500
planet_classChanges the selected Planets Class to the new specified class.[planet class name]<Select Planet> planet_class pc_tropical
planet_happinessIncreases Happiness on selected planet, more specifically, adds a + happiness buff to the planet, however, will not exceed max happiness govern by other factors[amount]<Select Planet> planet_happiness 100
planet_resourceAdds resources to the population tiles. The amount entered will be the total of the resource in random tiles.[resource] [amount]<Select Planet> planet_resource minerals 50
planet_sizeAdjusts the visual AND tile size, max tile size is 25, but visually planet will keep increasing after 25. WARNING: CAN AND WILL BREAK GAME WITH EXTREME SIZES.[planet size]<Select Planet> planet_size 25
planetsLists every type of planet and the amount of each.Noneplanets
playAllows you to switch to playing another empire using its two-digit ID. 00 is the player empire, AI empires are 01 and above.[tag] [country index]play 01
pop_happinessUsed with tweakergui. Forces pop happiness to specific level.Nonetweakergui pop_happiness
popfactionlogsUsed with tweakergui. ?Nonetweakergui popfactionlogs
populateFills all free slots on selected planet with pop. (Doesn't remove tile blockers.)[planet][Select Planet] populate
portraitsUsed with tweakergui. ?Nonetweakergui portraits
portraits.poplevelUsed with tweakergui. ?Nonetweakergui portraits.poplevel
ppGives the player minerals[amount]pp 1000
productionDumps some debug info about productionNoneproduction
random_rulerReplace ruler with a new random ruler.Nonerandom_ruler
recalc_fleet_presenceRecalculates fleet presence cache, useful if loading old saves.Nonerecalc_fleet_presence
regenerate_border_colorsRegenerates border colors for empires with the same primary colorNoneregenerate_border_colors
reloadReloads assets[file name]reload main.gui
reload_galaxyStarts a new gameNonereload_galaxy
reload_graphical_mapReloads the graphical mapNonereload_graphical_map
reloadfxReloads the shader[arguments: map/mapname/postfx or *.fx filename]reloadfx arrow
remove_ethic_popRemoves an ethic from a target pop.[pop id] [ethic key]remove_ethic_pop ? ethic_xenophobe
remove_notificationRemoves all notifications belonging to the player[amount]remove_notification 1
remove_trait_leaderRemoves a trait from a leader.[leader id] [trait key or index]remove_trait_leader 17 trait_leader_meticulous
remove_trait_speciesRemove trait from species[species id] [trait key]remove_trait_species 5 intelligent
rendertypePrints the current` rendering type.Nonerendertype
research_technologiesInstantly researches all non-repeatable technologies. Add 1 for creature and crisis techs too.Booleanresearch_technologies 1
resourceAdd [amount] of [resource]. Defaults to 5000.[amount]resource minerals 500
observeReveals everything on the map, but you can not play. Use play x command, to resume playingNoneobserve
play xContinue playing after observingNoneplay x
resourcesShow stats for resourcesNoneresources
reverse_diploSends a diplomatic command from the target to the player.[diplo] [id]reverse_diplo action_invite_to_alliance 01
runRuns the specified file with list of commands. File should be placed in \\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\.Nonerun group_commands.txt
scalingEnables/disable scaling of models.Nonescaling
shield.contantsizeREMOVED COMMANDNone
shield.entityREMOVED COMMANDNone
shield.spamREMOVED COMMANDNone
ships.mergeREMOVED COMMANDNone
ships.nlipsREMOVED COMMANDNone
simulatedlagREMOVED COMMANDNone
skillsAdds [amount] of skill levels to every leader under player control. Defaults to 5.[amount]skills 10
smoothToggle framesmoothingNonesmooth
societyAdd society tech points. Defaults to 5000.[amount]society 500
spawnentitySpawns specified entity at cursor position. The entity names are found in the gfx folder in the .asset files.[entity name]spawnentity test_object_entity
srgbToggles RBG color modeNonesrgb
surrenderSurrender and gives in to all demands. Using only [country id] parameter lists wars with their appropriate war_ids for given country.[country id] [war id]List all wars for country with country_id = 5 along with their war_ids: surrender 5. Force country with country_id = 5 to surrender in war with war_id = 19975: surrender 5 19975.
surveySurveys all planets, requires you to have at least one science stipNonesurvey
switchlanguageReload localization files and switches languageNoneswitchlanguage English
techupdateRe-generates the tech tree of the playerNonetechupdate
techweightsPrints weights for the tech tree of the player[tech area]techweights phy
terraforming_resourcesAdd [amount] of terraforming resources to the seclected planet. Defaults to 5.[amount]terraforming_resources 10`
terraincognitaUsed with tweakergui. Used to reveal all uncharted space.Nonetweakergui terraincognita
test_achievementUsed to test an achievement trigger[achievement]test_achievement achievement_colonize
threading.taskthreadscountReturns the number of CPU threads usedNonethreading.taskthreadscount
ticks_per_turnControls the number of ticks per turn[amount of ticks]ticks_per_turn 10
timeReturns the local system timeNonetime
topbarresourcesperframeREMOVED COMMANDNone
triggerTests a trigger script (*.txt) when placed in the \\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\ folder[trigger script]trigger test_trigger
trigger_docsPrints docs for triggers and effectsNonetrigger_docs
trigger_fileTests the trigger script, and crashes the gameNonetrigger_file
tweakerguiAllows you to use certain commands[tweaker variable]tweakergui ti_paint
unlock_edictsUnlocks all edictsNoneunlock_edicts
unityAdd [amount] of unity. Defaults to 500.[amount]unity 5000
update.animationsREMOVED COMMANDNone
update.particlesREMOVED COMMANDNone
versionCopies game version to clipboardNoneversion
volumeModifies music volume[volume delta]volume 20
war_on_playerForces the target country to declare war on the player[country id]war_on_player 05
warscoreAdds the given warscore for all of an empire's active wars[amount]warscore 75
windowOpens an GUI window element[arguments open/close] [window gui name]window open advisor_window
wireframeToggles forced wireframe on/offNonewireframe
effect give_technologyUnlocks specific technology[ = { tech = tech_id }]effect give_technology = { tech = tech_lasers_2 }

List of Resources[edit]

These can be used with the planet_resource command and resource command. Usage with other commands is currently unconfirmed.

Physics Researchphysics_research
Society Researchsociety_research
Engineering Researchengineering_research
Terraforming Gasessr_terraform_gases
Terraforming Liquidssr_terraform_liquids
Garanthium Oresr_garanthium
Lythuric Gassr_lythuric
Engos Vaporsr_engos
Teldar Crystalssr_teldar
Pitharan Dustsr_pitharan
Orillium Oresr_orillium
Satramene Gassr_satramene
Neutronium Oresr_neutronium
Living Metalsr_living_metal
Alien Petssr_alien_pets
Betharian Stonesr_betharian
Dark Mattersr_dark_matter
Yurantic Crystalssr_yuranic
Riggan Spicesr_riggan
Muutagan Crystalssr_muutagan

List of Planet Classes[edit]

These can be used with the planet_class command.

Gas Giantpc_gas_giant
Crystalline Asteroidpc_crystal_asteroid
Barren (Cold)pc_barren_cold
B Starpc_b_star
A Starpc_a_star
F Starpc_f_star
G Starpc_g_star
K Starpc_k_star
M Starpc_m_star
Black Holepc_black_hole
Neutron Starpc_neutron_star
Ringworld (Habitable)pc_ringworld_habitable
Ringworld (Habitable Damaged)pc_ringworld_habitable_damaged
Ringworld (Tech)pc_ringworld_tech
Ringworld (Tech Damaged)pc_ringworld_tech_damaged
Ringworld (Seam)pc_ringworld_seam
Ringworld (Seam Damaged)pc_ringworld_seam_damaged
Orbital Habitatpc_habitat (always mammalian appearance)

List of ship designs[edit]

Used with the add_ship command to spawn a ship.

Seekeralien corvette
Starfangalien destroyer
Persistentalien huge destroyer
Swordalien cruiser
Divine Glorycultist battleship
Diasporanomad ark
Protectornomad destroyer
Nomad Cruisernomad cruiser
Cloud Entityvoid cloud
Corsairpirate destroyer
Black Earlpirate cruiser
Pirate GalleonOld Guard
Ancient Mining Dronemining drone miner
Ancient Combat Dronemining drone corvette
Ancient Destroyermining drone destroyer
GuardianGuardian on Zanaam
DS47space probe
Space Stationprimitive space station
Sentrysensor station
Vigilsentinel station
Crystal NidusCrystal Prism
Drone Home BaseHome Base Ore Grinder (for some reason it's far larger than it should)
The MatriarchTiyanki Matriarch (unused but perfectly functional)

Contingency, Unbidden and Fallen Empire ships spawn as a box.

Grand DragonEther Drake
DragonspawnYoung Ether Drake (spawns without FTL)
Dimensional HorrorDimensional Horror
Hive AsteroidHive Asteroid

Other guardians spawn as a box.

List of Traits (Species)[edit]

  • Used with the add_trait_species and remove_trait_species command.
  • These Traits apply only for Organic species (i.e non-mechanical pops)
  • <species number> can be found by using the debugtooltip console command and hovering your mouse over the specific species in the in-game species menu


  • add_trait_species <species number> <trait key>
  • remove_trait_species <species number> <trait key>


Trait KeyTrait NameEffect of TraitExclusive withPossible Initial Trait?
trait_agrarianAgrarian.png Agrarian* Food: +15%NoneYes
trait_thriftyThrifty.png Thrifty* Energy Credits: +15%NoneYes
trait_industriousIndustrious.png Industrious* Minerals: +15%NoneYes
trait_intelligentIntelligent.png Intelligent* Engineering Output: +10% 
* Physics Output: +10% 
* Society Output: +10%
trait_natural_engineersNatural Engineers.png Natural Engineers* Engineering Output: +15%Natural Physicists 
Natural Sociologist 
trait_natural_physicistsNatural Physicists.png Natural Physicists* Physics Output: +15%Natural Engineers 
Natural Sociologist 
trait_natural_sociologistsNatural Sociologists.png Natural Sociologists* Society Output: +15%Natural Engineers 
Natural Physicists 
trait_extremely_adaptiveExtremely Adaptive.png Extremely Adaptive* Habitability: +20%Adaptive 
trait_adaptiveAdaptive.png Adaptive* Habitability: +10%Extremely Adaptive 
trait_nonadaptiveNonadaptive.pngNonadaptive* Habitability: -10%Extremely Adaptive 
trait_rapid_breedersRapid Breeders.png Rapid Breeders* Growth Speed: +20%Slow Breeders 
trait_slow_breedersSlow Breeders.png Slow Breeders* Growth Time: +15%Rapid Breeders
trait_talentedTalented.png Talented* Leader Skill Levels: +1NoneYes
trait_quick_learnersQuick Learners.png Quick Learners* Leader Experience Gain: +25%Slow LearnersYes
trait_slow_learnersSlow Learners.png Slow Learners* Leader Experience Gain: -25%Quick LearnersYes
trait_very_strongVery Strong.png Very Strong* Army Damage: +40% 
* Minerals: +10%
trait_strongStrong.png Strong* Army Damage: +20% 
* Minerals: +5%
Very Strong 
trait_weakWeak.png Weak* Army Damage: -20%Very Strong 
trait_nomadicNomadic.png Nomadic* Migration Time: -50% 
* Resettlement Cost: -33%
Machine Unit
trait_sedentarySedentary.png Sedentary* Migration Time: +50%
* Resettlement Cost: +33%
Machine Unit
trait_communalCommunal.png Communal* Happiness: +5%Solitary 
Machine Unit
trait_solitarySolitary.png Solitary* Happiness: -5%Communal 
Machine Unit
trait_charismaticCharismatic.png CharismaticOther Species Happiness per pop+5%RepugnantYes
trait_repugnantRepugnant.png RepugnantOther Species Happiness per pop-5%CharismaticYes
trait_conformistsConformists.png Conformists* Government Ethics Attraction: -30%Hive-Mind 
Machine Unit
trait_deviantsDeviants.png Deviants* Government Ethics Attraction: -15%Hive-Mind 
Machine Unit
trait_venerableVenerable.png Venerable* Leader Lifespan: +80Enduring 
trait_enduringEnduring.png Enduring* Leader Lifespan: +20Venerable 
trait_fleetingFleeting.png Fleeting* Leader Lifespan: -10Venerable 
trait_decadentDecadent.png Decadent* Resource Output without Slaves: -10%NoneYes
trait_wastefulWasteful.png Wasteful* Consumer Goods Cost: +20%NoneYes
trait_resilientResilient.png Resilient* Garrison Health: +100%
* Fortification Defensive Bonus: +50%
trait_conservationalConservationist.pngConservationist* Consumer Goods cost: -15%WastefulYes
trait_wastefulWasteful.png Wasteful* Consumer Goods cost: +15%ConservationistYes
trait_cyberneticTrait cybernetic.png Cybernetic* Habitability: +20% 
* Army Damage: +10% 
* WARNING: Will alter species identity
trait_latent_psionicTrait psionic species.png Latent Psionic* Society Output: +5%
* Engineering Output: +5%
* Physics Output: +5% 
* Energy Credits: +5%
trait_psionicTrait psionic species.png Psionic* Society Output: +10%
* Engineering Output: +10%
* Physics Output: +10% 
* Energy Credits: +10% 
* Happiness: +5%
trait_deliciousDelicious.png Delicious* Food when eaten: +50%NoneNo
trait_nerve_stapledNerve Stapled.png Nerve Stapled* Not Affected by Happiness 
* Minerals: -5% 
* Food: -5% 
* Unity: -5% 
* Energy Credits: -5% 
* Society Output: -75%
* Engineering Output: -75%
* Physics Output: -75%
Natural Engineers 
Natural Physicists 
Natural Sociologists 
trait_fertileFertile.png Fertile*Growth Speed: +30% 
* Happiness: +5%
Slow Breeders 
Rapid Breeders
trait_eruditeErudite.png Erudite* Society Output: +20%
* Engineering Output: +20%
* Physics Output: +20% 
* Leader Skill Cap: +1
Nerve Stapled
trait_robustRobust.png Robust* Habitability: +30%
* Leader lifespan: +50
Extremely Adaptive
trait_presapient_irradiatedIrradiated Irradiated* Tomb World Habitability: +100%
* Leader Lifespan: +30
trait_presapient_starbornTrait primitive.png Starborn* Migration Speed: +50%
* Habitability: +10% 
* Re-settlement Cost: -25%
trait_presapient_earthboundTrait primitive.png Earthbound* Energy Credits: +10%
* Garrison Health: +100%
* Fortification Defense: +50%
trait_presapient_prolesTrait primitive.png Proles* Army Damage: +10%
* Minerals: 10%
* Food: 10%
* Physics Output: -15%
* Engineering Output: -15%
* Society Output: -15%
Natural IntellectualsNo
trait_presapient_natural_intellectualsTrait primitive.png Natural Intellectuals* Society Output: +10%
* Engineering Output: +10%
* Physics Output: +10%
* Unity Output: +5%
* Mineral Output: -10%
trait_presapient_conservativeTrait primitive.pngConservative* Happiness: +5%
* Government Ethic Attraction: +25%
* Leader Experience Gain: -33%
trait_upliftedTrait uplifted.png Uplifted* Happiness: +20% when living under the rule of the nation that uplifted themNoneNo
trait_mechanicalTrait mechanical.png Mechanical* Habitability: +200%
trait_robotic_1Trait robotic 1.png Robot* Minerals: +10%
* Energy: -40%
* Research: -80%
* Unity: -40%
* Consumer goods consumption: +0.5
* Not affected by happiness
* Not affected by radiation
trait_robotic_2Trait robotic 2.png Droid* Minerals: +15%
* Energy: -20%
* Research: -40%
* Unity: -20%
* Consumer goods consumption: +0.5
* Not affected by happiness
* Not affected by radiation
trait_robotic_3Trait robotic 3.png Synthetic* Minerals: +20%
* Energy: +20%
* Research: +20%
* Unity: +20%
* Consumer goods consumption: +0.5
* Not affected by radiation
trait_hive_mindHive-minded.png Hive-Minded* Not Affected by HappinessHive-MindNo

Planetary Preferences[edit]

Trait IDPlanet Preference Trait
trait_pc_alpine_preferenceTrait pc alpine preference.png Alpine
trait_pc_arctic_preferenceTrait pc arctic preference.png Arctic
trait_pc_arid_preferenceTrait pc arid preference.png Arid
trait_pc_continental_preferenceTrait pc continental preference.png Continental
trait_pc_desert_preferenceTrait pc desert preference.png Desert
trait_pc_gaia_preferenceTrait pc gaia preference.png Gaia
trait_pc_habitat_preferenceTrait pc ring preference.png Habitat
trait_pc_ocean_preferenceTrait pc ocean preference.png Ocean
trait_pc_ringworld_habitable_preferenceTrait pc ring preference.png Ring World
trait_pc_savannah_preferenceTrait pc savannah preference.png Savannah
trait_pc_nuked_preferenceTrait pc nuked preference.png Tomb World
trait_pc_tropical_preferenceTrait pc tropical preference.png Tropical
trait_pc_tundra_preferenceTrait pc tundra preference.png Tundra

List of Traits (Individuals)[edit]

These can be used with the add_trait_leader and remove_trait_leader command. Use tweakergui debugtooltip(pre 1.1) or debugtooltip(1.1) command to find the id of leaders.

  • Example of console command: "add_trait_leader 4 leader_trait_adaptable"

Generic Leader ID numbers are generated in every new game as follows (tested on 5/18/16 version 1.0.2):

0 - Faction Leader/Ruler

1 - Admiral Pool Leader #1 ; 2 - Admiral Pool Leader #2 ; 3 - Admiral Pool Leader #3

4 - General Pool Leader #1 ; 5 - General Pool Leader #2 ; 6 - General Pool Leader #3

7 - Scientist Pool Leader #1 ; 8 - Scientist Pool Leader #2 ; 9 - Scientist Pool Leader #3

10 - Governor Pool Leader #1 ; 11 - Governor Pool Leader #2 ; 12 - Governor Pool Leader #3

13 - Active Governor ; 14 - Active Scientist #4 ; 15 - Active Scientist #3 ; 16 - Active Scientist #2 ; 17 - Active Scientist #1


Trait KeyNameEffectLeader types applicable to
leader_trait_adaptableLeader trait adaptable.png Adaptable+15% Leader Experience Gain*Admiral
leader_trait_flexible_programming(unrecognized string “flexible programming” for Template:Icon) Flexible Programming+25% Leader Experience Gain*Admiral
leader_trait_stubbornLeader trait stubborn.png Stubborn-15% Leader Experience Gain*Admiral
leader_trait_rigid_programming(unrecognized string “rigid programming” for Template:Icon) Rigid Programming-25% Leader Experience Gain*Admiral
leader_trait_eagerLeader trait eager.png Eager-33% Mod leader influence cost.png Leader Recruitment Cost*Admiral
leader_trait_newboot(unrecognized string “newboot” for Template:Icon) Newboot-33% Mod leader influence cost.png Leader Recruitment Cost*Admiral
leader_trait_resilientResilient.png Resilient+20 Leader Age*Admiral
leader_trait_shroud_ageResilient.png Resilient+40 Leader Age*Admiral
leader_trait_substance_abuserLeader trait substance abuser.png Substance Abuser-20 Leader Age*Admiral
leader_trait_arrested_developmentLeader trait arrested development.png Arrested Development-100% Leader Experience Gain*Admiral
leader_trait_agrarian_upbringingLeader trait agrarian upbringing.png Agrarian Upbringing+10% Food.png Food 
-20% Mod planet building cost mult.png Hydroponic Farms Build Cost
leader_trait_army_veteranLeader trait army veteran.png Army Veteran+20% Mod army build speed mult.png Army Build Speed 
-20% Mod planet army build cost mult.png Army Cost
+50% Mod army health.png Garrison Health
leader_trait_warbot_tinkerer(unrecognized string “warbot tinkerer” for Template:Icon) Warbot Tinkerer+20% Mod army build speed mult.png Army Build Speed 
-20% Mod planet army build cost mult.png Army Cost
+50% Mod army health.png Garrison Health
leader_trait_retired_fleet_officerLeader trait retired fleet officer.png Retired Fleet Officer+20% Mod ship build speed mult.png Ship Build Speed 
-10% Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png Ship Cost
-10% Spaceport Module Cost
leader_trait_ai_aided_design(unrecognized string “ai aided design” for Template:Icon) AI Aided Design+20% Mod ship build speed mult.png Ship Build Speed 
-10% Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png Ship Cost
-10% Spaceport Module Cost
leader_trait_environmental_engineerLeader trait environmental engineer.png Environmental Engineer-25% Mod planet clear blocker cost mult.png Clear Blocker Cost
-25% Mod planet clear blocker time mult.png Clear Blocker Time
leader_trait_bulldozer(unrecognized string “bulldozer” for Template:Icon) Bulldozer-25% Mod planet clear blocker cost mult.png Clear Blocker Cost
-25% Mod planet clear blocker time mult.png Clear Blocker Time
leader_trait_iron_fistLeader trait iron fist.png Iron Fist+1 Slave mineral output.png Slave Mineral Output 
+15% Slave food output.png Slave Food Output
leader_trait_intellectualLeader trait intellectual.png Intellectual+10% Engineering Research Engineering Output 
+10% Physics Research Physics Output 
+10% Society Research Society Output
leader_trait_analytical(unrecognized string “analytical” for Template:Icon) Analytical+10% Engineering Research Engineering Output 
+10% Physics Research Physics Output 
+10% Society Research Society Output
leader_trait_governor_psionicLeader trait psionic leader.png Psychic-15 Unrest.png Unrest*Governor
leader_trait_governor_chosenLeader trait psionic chosen one.png Chosen OneImmortal 
-30 Unrest.png Unrest 
+5% Energy Credits.png Energy Credits 
+5% Minerals.png Minerals 
+30% Mod planet building build speed mult.png Building Build Speed
leader_trait_carefulLeader trait careful.png Careful-10% Anomaly Fail Risk*Scientist
leader_trait_meticulousLeader trait meticulous.png Meticulous+10% Anomaly discovery chance.png Anomaly Discovery Chance*Scientist
leader_trait_spark_of_geniusLeader trait lightbulb on.png Spark of Genius+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Research Speed 
Increase chance to discover rare techs
leader_trait_carefreeLeader trait carefree.png Carefree+35% Anomaly Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_roamerLeader trait roamer.png Roamer+25% Survey Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_cataloger(unrecognized string “cataloger” for Template:Icon) Cataloger+25% Survey Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_archaeologistLeader trait archaeologist.png Archaeologist+50% Anomaly Research Speed
-25% Anomaly Fail Risk
leader_trait_paranoidLeader trait paranoid.png Paranoid-5% Research Speed 
-10% Anomaly Research Speed
leader_trait_maniacalLeader trait maniacal.png Maniacal+5% Research Speed 
Increase chance to discover risky techs
leader_trait_custom_AI_assistantLeader trait custom AI assistant.png Custom AI Assistant+5% Mod country all tech research speed.png Research Speed
+10% Mod ship science survey speed.png Survey Speed
+10% Anomaly research speed.png Anomaly Research Speed
leader_trait_sapient_AI_assistantLeader trait sentient AI assistant.png Sapient AI Assistant+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Research Speed 
+20% Mod ship science survey speed.png Survey Speed
+30% Anomaly research speed.png Anomaly Research Speed
leader_trait_curatorLeader trait curator.png Curator+15% Mod country all tech research speed.png Research Speed 
+20% Mod ship science survey speed.png Survey Speed
-15% Anomaly Fail Risk
leader_trait_expertise_materialsMaterials.png Expertise: Materials+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Materials Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_expertise_rocketryPropulsion.png Expertise: Rocketry+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Materials Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_expertise_voidcraftVoidcraft.png Expertise: Voidcraft+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Voidcraft Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_expertise_industryIndustry.png Expertise: Industry+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Industry Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_expertise_field_manipulationField Manipulation.png Expertise: Field Manipulation+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Field Manipulation Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_expertise_particlesParticles.pngExpertise: Particles+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Particles Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_expertise_computingComputing.pngExpertise: Computing+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Computing Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_expertise_psionicsPsionics.pngExpertise: Psionics+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Psionics Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_expertise_new_worldsNew Worlds.png Expertise: New Worlds+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png New Worlds Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_expertise_statecraftStatecraft.png Expertise: Statecraft+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Statecraft Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_expertise_biologyBiology.png Expertise: Biology+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Biology Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_expertise_military_theoryMilitary Theory.png Expertise: Military Theory+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Military Theory Research Speed*Scientist
leader_trait_towelLeader trait scroll.png Towel-bearer+25% Mod ship science survey speed.png Survey Speed
−50% Anomaly Fail Risk
leader_trait_scientist_psionicLeader trait psionic leader.png Psychic+10% Mod country all tech research speed.png Research Speed
+25% Mod ship science survey speed.png Survey Speed
leader_trait_scientist_chosenLeader trait psionic chosen one.png Chosen OneImmortal 
+20% Mod country all tech research speed.png Research Speed
+30% Mod ship science survey speed.png Survey Speed
leader_trait_tricksterLeader trait trickster.png Trickster+10% Mod ship evasion mult.png Evasion*Admiral
leader_trait_fleet_logisticianLeader trait fleet logistician.png Fleet Logistician-10% Mod ship upkeep mult.png Ship Upkeep*Admiral
leader_trait_maintenance_loop(unrecognized string “maintenance loop” for Template:Icon) Maintenance Loop-10% Mod ship upkeep mult.png Ship Upkeep*Admiral
leader_trait_engineerEngineerMonthly +2% Hull Regeneration*Admiral
leader_trait_aggressiveLeader trait aggressive.png Aggressive+10% Mod ship fire rate mult.png Fire Rate*Admiral
leader_trait_cautiousLeader trait cautious.png Cautious+15% Mod ship evasion mult.png Evasion*Admiral
leader_trait_scoutLeader trait scout.png Scout+25% Mod planet sensor range mult.png Sensor Range*Admiral
leader_trait_unyieldingLeader trait unyielding.png Unyielding+10% Mod ship hitpoints add.png Ship Hull Points*Admiral
leader_trait_gale_speedGale-Speed+5% Mod ship evasion mult.png Evasion 
+20% Ship speed Sublight Speed
+20% 'Speed'
leader_trait_lethargicLeader trait lethargic.png Lethargic-5% Mod ship evasion mult.png Evasion 
-20% Ship speed Sublight Speed 
-20% Mod ship fire rate mult.png Fire Rate
leader_trait_sentinelSentinel+20% Damage vs. Swarm*Admiral
leader_trait_hive_affinityHive Affinity+20% Mod ship fire rate mult.png Fire Rate*Admiral
leader_trait_void_swimmerVoid Swimmer+20% Ship speed Speed 
+20% Ship speed Combat Speed
leader_trait_etherealEthereal+20% Mod ship evasion mult.png Evasion*Admiral
leader_trait_dimensional_stutterDimensional Stutter+20% Ship speed Speed 
+20% Ship speed Combat Speed
leader_trait_admiral_psionicLeader trait psionic leader.png Psychic+15% Mod ship evasion mult.png Evasion*Admiral
leader_trait_admiral_chosenLeader trait psionic chosen one.png Chosen OneImmortal 
+30% Mod ship evasion mult.png Evasion 
+15% Mod ship fire rate mult.png Fire Rate
leader_trait_defenderLeader trait defender.png Defender+20% Mod army morale.png Army Morale on Defense
+20% Mod army damage mult.png Army Damage on Defense
leader_trait_attackerLeader trait attacker.png Invader+20% Mod army morale.png Army Morale on Attack
+20% Mod army damage mult.png Army Damage on Attack
leader_trait_glory_seekerLeader trait glory seeker.png Glory Seeker+5% Mod army morale.png Army Morale 
+10% Mod army damage mult.png Army Damage
leader_trait_charismaticLeader trait charismatic.png charismatic leader Charismatic+25% Mod army morale.png Army Morale*General
leader_trait_demoralizer(unrecognized string “demoralizer” for Template:Icon) Demoralizer+30% Mod army morale.png Army Morale on Attack*General
leader_trait_butcherLeader trait butcher.png Butcher+10% Mod army damage mult.png Army Damage*General
leader_trait_armchair_commanderLeader trait armchair commander.png Armchair Commander-10% Mod army morale.png Army Morale 
-10% Mod army damage mult.png Army Damage
leader_trait_army_logisticianLeader trait army logistician.png Army Logistician-20% Mod army upkeep mult.png Army Upkeep*General
leader_trait_general_psionicLeader trait psionic leader.png Psychic+15% Mod army morale.png Army Morale 
+15% Mod army morale.png Army Morale on Attack
leader_trait_general_chosenLeader trait psionic chosen one.png Chosen OneImmortal 
+30% Mod army morale.png Army Morale 
+30% Mod army morale.png Army Morale on Attack 
+30% Mod army damage mult.png Army Damage


Following traits apply only for rulers.

trait_ruler_architectural_senseTrait ruler architectural sense.png Architectural Sense-10% Mod planet building cost mult.png Building Cost
trait_ruler_champion_of_the_peopleTrait ruler champion of the people.png Champion of the People+5% Mod pop happiness.png Happiness
trait_ruler_deep_connectionsTrait ruler deep connections.png Deep Connections+1 Influence Gain
trait_ruler_charismaticLeader trait charismatic.png Charismatic Leader-20% Mod country edict influence cost.png Edict Cost 
+25% Mod country edict length mult.png Edict Duration
trait_ruler_warlikeLeader trait aggressive.png Warlike+5% Weapon Damage 
+10%% Army Damage
trait_ruler_corvette_focusTrait ruler corvette focus.png Corvette Focus-20% Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png Corvette Build cost
trait_ruler_destroyer_focusTrait ruler destroyer focus.png Destroyer Focus-20% Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png Destroyer Build cost
trait_ruler_cruiser_focusTrait ruler cruiser focus.png Cruiser Focus-20% Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png Cruiser Build cost
trait_ruler_battleship_focusTrait ruler battleship focus.png Battleship Focus-20% Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png Battleship Build cost
trait_ruler_recruiterRecruiter+20% Mod army morale.png Army Morale 
-20% Mod planet army build cost mult.png Army Cost
trait_ruler_from_the_ranksRuler From The Ranks+1 Army Ranks (disabled in 1.5)
trait_ruler_fortifierFortifier−20% Defense Platform Build Cost
−20% Defense Platform Upkeep
−20% Defense Station Build Cost 
−20% Defense Station Upkeep 
−20% Fortress Build Cost 
−20% Fortress Upkeep
trait_ruler_logistic_understandingLogistic Understanding-5% Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png Ship Upkeep Cost 
-10% Mod army upkeep mult.png Army Upkeep Cost
trait_ruler_military_pioneerMilitary Pioneer-5% Ship Upgrade Cost 
+10% Mod spaceport ship build cost mult.png Ship Build cost
trait_ruler_frontier_spiritTrait ruler frontier spirit.png Frontier Spirit-35% Colony Ship Cost 
+25% Colonization Speed
trait_ruler_world_shaperWorld shaper World Shaper-25% Terraform Station Build Cost 
-25% Terraforming Cost 
-15% Mod planet clear blocker time mult.png Clear Blocker Time
trait_ruler_expansionistTrait ruler expansionist.png Expansionist-15% Frontier Outpost Build Cost 
−15% Colony Influence Cost
trait_ruler_fertility_preacherTrait ruler fertility preacher.png Fertility Preacher+10% Food.png Food
trait_ruler_home_in_the_skyTrait ruler home in the sky.png Home in the Sky-20% Mod country spaceport cost mult.png Spaceport Build Cost 
-20% Mod spaceport module cost mult.png Module Cost
trait_ruler_industrialistTrait ruler industrialist.png Industrialist+10% Minerals.png Minerals
trait_ruler_investorTrait ruler investor.png Investor+10% Energy Credits.png Energy Credits
trait_ruler_eye_for_talentTrait ruler eye for talent.png Eye for Talent+1 Leader Skill Levels
+25% Leader Influence Cost
trait_ruler_explorerTrait ruler explorer.png Explorer-25% Science Ship Build Cost 
+33% Anomaly Research Speed
leader_trait_fleet_organizerLeader trait fleet organizer.png Fleet Organizer+30% Navy Size
leader_trait_hive_mindAuth hive mind.png Hive Mind+40 Navy Size
leader_trait_nervousLeader trait nervous.png Nervous-20% Navy Size
trait_ruler_space_minerTrait ruler space miner.png Space Miner-25% Constructor Build Cost
-25% Mining Station Build Cost
leader_trait_reformerTrait ruler reformer.png Reformer+10% monthly Unity.png unity
Leader trait psionic leader.png Psychic+10% Mod pop government ethic attraction.png Governing Ethics Attraction 
+0.5 Influence.png Monthly Influence 
Leader trait psionic chosen one.png Chosen OneImmortal 
+20% Mod pop government ethic attraction.png Governing Ethics Attraction 
+1 Influence.png Monthly Influence

List of major events[edit]

Used with the event command to start an event.

Note: Anomaly events require selecting a ship. Colony events require selecting a planet.

anomaly.95Voyager 1Can start the Solar Coordinates event if humans exist somewhere in the galaxy
anomaly.140Familiar ShrineOption to start the Old Gods event chain
anomaly.168Old Gods: RevelationCan choose various rewards including Spiritualist ethics change
anomaly.186LimboWith the right technology and AI policies you can resurrect them either as a new colony or as a new empire
anomaly.1197Limbo: Awoken
anomaly.3040Pirate ExilesOption to get two pirate raiders
anomaly.3085The PrinceEvent with small but permanent diplomatic effects
anomaly.3091The Ransomers
anomaly.3135Stay CalmLeader gets the towel-bearer trait
anomaly.4031The Servants of SandGain a unique AI leader
anomaly.4045Echoes from the DeepOption to gain the Improved Working Environment edict and positive modifiers
anomaly.4055Diamond in the RoughFirst option gives you a new scientist
Second option applies a modifier to the science ship that increases anomaly research speed (there are also two hidden modifiers: increases anomaly discovery chance, and decreases anomaly failure chance). Second option can be applied to the same ship an infinite number of times.
anomaly.4062Probability Conundrum: CompleteResearch Speed: +15%, for 7200 days
anomaly.4075Strength from Small Places
anomaly.4086AdriftFirst option doesn't work properly
Second option gives a permanent empire ship speed modifier
anomaly.4105Fumes Lie ThickOption to gain the Improved Energy Initiative edict
anomaly.4131The TreeChoose between two permanent Elixir of Life empire modifiers
anomaly.5001Gas Giant SignalInitial contact with the gas giant civilization
colony.1Migrating Forests
colony.50Subterranean Civilization
colony.100Abandoned Terraforming Equipment
colony.150Underground Vault
colony.1500Helpful Drones
colony.1520Pollen Aphrodisiac
colony.2005Submerged CruiserChoose between tech unlock or a permanent empire modifier to evasion
colony.2015An Odd Factor
colony.2030Colonial Assassin
colony_mod.1Uncertain HistoryThe effect of your choice is picked at random
colony_mod.2Titanic LifeThe effect of your choice is picked at random
colony_mod.3Unstable TectonicsThe effect of your choice is picked at random
country.1Sublight Exploration Probes
country.50Habitable Worlds Survey
country.53Alien Specimen Procurement
country.200Radical Cult
country.250The Hunt for the Hyacinth
country.999Comet Sighted
country.1000Wanderlust: Rogue Scientist
country.1100Mass Extinction Through the Ages
crisis.105Prethoryn queen capturedMust select a fleet to spawn
Doesn't require the crisis
crisis.199Prethoryn Scourge
crisis.50SentinelsDoesn't require the crisis
crisis.1000The Unbidden
crisis.1100The Aberrant
crisis.1200The VehementRequires The Aberrant to appear
crisis.2000The Contingency
crisis.2400Cybrex ReturnDoesn't require the crisis
fallen_empires_awakening.1Sleepers AwakeMust select a fallen empire with the play command beforehand or YOU will awaken
fallen_empires_tasks.1A patronizing or machine fallen empire sends a random gift
galactic_features.301Fallen Empire mothballed fleetMust select a fleet to spawn
galactic_features.304Grand Admiral Tuborek
galactic_features.360Void Cloud OffspringTrigger twice to spawn a controllable void cloud
nomad.1The NomadsWill not spawn if a Sentry Array is completed
nomad.500Nomad ships proposal
pirate.1The Birth of Space Piracy
precursor.2098Cybrex Home System Located
unrest.4200Unrest: RevoltTargeted planet's population revolts and attempts to break away. Can be used on other empires.
akx.8888Horizon SignalMust select a fleet to trigger
akx.9101The Loop Temple: Time and StoneMust select a planet to trigger
akx.10010The WormMust select a planet to trigger
guardian.316Option to buy the Ministry of Culture
guardian.661Artificial Dragonscales
guardian.663Dragon Egg
guardian.2014Destruction of the WraithGain a permanent empire modifier
guardian.3103Dreadnought RepairedMust select a fleet to spawn
Will be Missing In Action and arrive a year later
war_in_heaven.1000War in HeavenWill awaken two fallen empires if none awakened
utopia.3000Enter the ShroudWorks even if still on cooldown
utopia.3020Avatar (ship)
utopia.3021Avatar (army)
utopia.3190The Chosen One
utopia.3308Encounter The End of the Cycle
utopia.3320The ReckoningRequires accepting the covenant in the previous event to work properly

Note: Ancient Caretakers request events will not trigger if they're not present in the galaxy.

syndaw.1000Machine Uprising
fallen_machine_empire.1Ancient Caretakers Awaken (must select the Caretakers Awaken with the play command beforehand or YOU will awaken)
fallen_machine_empire.10Caretaker Inoculations
fallen_machine_empire.13Inoculations success
fallen_machine_empire.20Caretaker Code Changes
fallen_machine_empire.23Code Changes success


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